Monday, September 22, 2008

6 quirky things about myself ...

I've been tagged by Rachel to post 6 quirky things about yourself. Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag six fellow bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the six blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

My personal QUIRKS:

1. Everything has to be in its place. On my coffee table, my bathroom counter, my office desk, etc. I have this OCD need to have everything precisely in its place.
2. I can't stand when people don't take care of themselves ... especially those that go out in public looking like they don't take care of themselves. I realize that people "don't care" and are more about "being comfortable". It's BS and it bothers me. Like my mom always said, "You never know when you're going to meet the President." Take a little pride in your appearance people.
3. I am a lazy procrastinator. If I can put it off I will. Out of sight out of mind. I somehow end up completing things absolutely necessary which fools people into thinking I'm fairly motivated but secretly ... I'm a bum ;-)
4. I have to have the toilet lid down. Always. That is why they invented the darn thing. Put the lid down after every use please. Thank you.
5. Grammar. Please use it appropriately. End of story.
6. Punctuality is important. I had too many times being late to Girl Scouts, birthday parties, etc. that I now have an intense fear of being late. I'm always early ... I usually try to keep it to only 5 min but sometimes if I misjudge the time to get somewhere ... I'll be "un-fashionably early". I guess it's better than being "fashionably late" :-)

I don't know 6 people that blog regularly, so I also am going to break the last two rules and make it 3 people. However, if you read my blog and would like to tag yourself for me, please feel free.

I tag Rachel, Shay, and Sara. Have fun!

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