Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering September 11, 2001

I would like to take a moment of silence for the memory of those who died on 9/11 and those who are fighting and dying each day to help make our world a safer one for us and our children ... at this fifth year anniversary may we remember what it means to have democracy and how lucky we are to live in this land that I love so dearly.

For this moment of silence I am including a picture of the scene that most often puts me in my place. The ocean always reminds me of how small I am and how there truly is something bigger at work here. God is in charge and we need to remember that and show him some respect.

I love you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what beautiful thoughts! We feel the same way.. I feel closer to God, in touch with myself and feeling the most happiest when I'm at the beach too.

Your Dad is so excited to see you! (I'll miss you both, but i have planned some nice things with my mom & dad too) We'll just make Thanksgiving special when we are all together...Love, Ann